Thrilled Skinny
NME, 18 August 1990
It's A Good Doss
(Hunchback LP only)
The Home Counties Indie Cottage Industry refuses to crumble under financial pressure, and here stand two Davids [also reviewed were The McTells - Ed.] willing to worry the toe of the Corporate Goliath. Luton's Thrilled Skinny may peddle simple thoughts and philosophies, but they aren't averse to trundling out the odd bristling tune.
Charmingly straightforward, The Skinnies specialise in Palitoy Pop, a surging softcore package of thrashing guitar and irrepressible keyboards. At their best, in 'Just Another Teenage Dream' and 'Key To The Attic Door', they're sweet and swift, frothing with lyrical injustice and steamingly unsophisticated chords. 'Ideal For Parties!!' screams a sticker on the sleeve. True! The perfect soundtrack for running in circles half-pissed on cider. Or something.
Simon Williams
Thanks to Jo Fisher for this clipping.
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